The Pokémon phenomenon began in Japan in 1996 as the Pocket Monsters Red and Green games for the Nintendo Game Boy and it’s popularity led to launch of a trading card game, animated tv series and films. Players of the trading card game could compete in local championships then onto nationals and the very best could make it to the annual world championships. The collection of cards, competition medals and trophies that we will be offering for auction between the 1st and the 10th of September is unusual as such prized possessions are rarely sold. Our vendor Cameron took up the game around 2006 at the tender age of 8 and went on to compete in that years U.K. nationals championship competition at Woburn Park. Just two years later at the same competition this time held in London he won his age group and part of the prize was a trip to Florida to play in the world championship. Cameron lives with a serious condition called Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome which meant that making a trip to America was undoubtedly much more of a challenge than the competition itself. That challenge was met with the help of his mum Allison and what she described as military operation level planning. The competitors that year received a set of sought after Tropical Wind playing cards and Cameron was presented with a trophy by the head of Pokémon USA Dave Schwimmer. These achievements would be enough for most people but our man went on to win his age group in the UK nationals again the following year this time taking him to San Diego. Despite the sentimental value of these items and the memories of a great adventure Cameron has made the difficult but pragmatic decision that it would be better to let them go and use the proceeds towards the cost of moving house to somewhere that better suits his developing needs. The rare cards, medals and trophies will be offered on a timed sale running from Friday the 1st of September through to Sunday the 10th.